Press Release: Duckpools to IDO on Ergopad
2 min readJan 24, 2023


Ergopad Announces Duckpools IDO

Hey Ergonauts and Ergopad stakers, we’re here to announce the next IDO on Ergopad: duckpools.

What is duckpools?

duckpools is a pool-based lending protocol that made its debut in the Ergo ecosystem on July 31, 2022. Within 4 months of its creation, duckpools delivered a working beta and became the first decentralized application (dApp) on Ergo to facilitate lending and collateralized borrowing of ERG and its native assets.

You can try the beta right now at They’ve also released a Quackpaper (aka whitepaper) which you can read for more details.

Important dates

Duckpools Roadmap

We wanted to get this IDO started quickly because not everyone qualified for Spectrum. That’s why you’ll see some overlap between the two IDOs.

  • Stakers signup is live already and runs until Feb 3
  • Staker Contribution is Feb 4–9, with double whitelist tokens sent out on the 8th
  • Public round whitelist is Feb 9 — Feb 16 (start time TBA)
  • Public Contribution Feb 17 — Feb 24
  • Finally the IDO liquidity will be added Feb 24th after contribution closes

You can expect to see more details released frequently over the coming weeks, so keep an eye on the project’s Twitter page.

Final Remarks

Duckpools will expand the DeFi ecosystem on Ergo a lot in the coming months. Expect to see secondary markets develop around lending pool tokens, and some interesting new ways to earn on your Ergo and token savings.

We are excited to be a part of this token launch, and look forward to helping duckpools fund their development and launch the full version of their protocol.

Thanks for reading!

- The Ergopad Team

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